Confidence is an ever evolving state of mind. At times, our confidence can be weak and full of doubt, and at times our confidence stands strong and powerful as you relish in the assurance that you can accomplish anything. On this lovely Sunday I bring you notes of confidence whether you are feeling up or down. Here are a few notes from some successful women to keep you going through the week.

Emma Stone
“You know, because you started on Broadway, there’s something about having to go up and do it every night, no matter how you’re feeling, having to tell the whole arc of a story and not just scene by scene the way that you do on film. I feel more like I understand acting in a different way. It’s totally different when you’re shooting something. But only in the past six months to a year have I felt like I can really try these different things. I think I was really scared of that for a long time. And if something was really challenging, I thought that I was just going to fall on my face and embarrass myself. I’m just less scared of that now, of failing.” — Interview, 2015

St. Vincent
“I think the ‘faking it till you make it’ thing is very real. If you don’t have confidence, pretend to be a person who does, and eventually you will have confidence because you’ll see the fruits of your reaching out to people.” -The Rookie Podcast 2017

Oprah Winfrey
"Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness."— Business Insider