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Ex-model Syd Walsh is the power and brains behind New York Citys newest all-girl post-punk group, Flasyd. Wisha Kungstat on drums, Kim Sollecito lead guitar, and Miranda Zipse on Bass. 

Hailing from a burgeoning pocket in the rich Brooklyn music scene, Miranda and the Beat is a vivid reminder of what makes rock n roll and soul hip-shakingly addictive. Fronted by the raspy powerhouse vocals and high energy guitar playing of Miranda Zipse, the band is reminiscent of bad girl soul singers such as Little Anne and Wendy Rene. Backed by the upbeat, thunderous drums of Kim "the Beat" Sollecito, the punchy bass lines of Mike Roth, and melodic old school key lines from Dylan Fernandez, the band is recognized for its tight jive! Known for attacking garage rock and soul with a wild and unruly punk attitude, Miranda and the Beat is New York’s hottest underground garage rock and soul commodity. 

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